PATRICK HENRY HUGHES en Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Uno de los capítulos que mas me gusto de mi programa favorito Extreme Makeover Home Edition, es el caso de Patrick Henry Hughes (, aqui algunos videos que tal vez te hagan caer algunas lágrimas, pero te inspirarán a seguir adelante a pesar de las dificultades que la vida te dé.
Uno de cada cien mil niños nace con anoftalmia bilateral (ausencia completa de los dos ojos), uno de cada doscientos mil niños nace con síndrome de pterygium, Patrick Hughes nació con ambos.
Ciego de nacimiento y con un problema en sus miembros que le impide caminar, Patrick tiene una historia de vida ejemplar. Desde muy pequeño su padre lo introdujo en la música, ahora es un habilidoso pianista, cantante y trompetista. Además tiene su libro "I am potential". No se concentra en sus debilidades si no que como el mismo lo expresa se concentra en los dones y talentos que Dios le dio.
PATRICK HENRY HUGHES EXTREME MAKEOVER HOME EDITIONLa famlia Huges fue nominada en Extreme Makeover Home Edition y como es costumbre de este programa, les cambiaron la vida regalándole una mansión que ven en el video y elementos que le hagan su vida mas fácil para cumplir sus sueños. Dentro de esta mansión familiar, hay un departamento para Patrick Hughes con muebles que se adaptan a sus necesidades especiales, desde una cocina hasta una baño.
When you know more about the Hughes family of Louisville, Kentucky, you’ll better understand why they were chosen to have Ty Pennington and the gang of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” designers renovate their house into a safer and more accessible home for their blind and handicapped son, Patrick Henry.
Patricia and Patrick John Hughes’s eldest son, Patrick Henry, (19) was born without eyes and without the ability to fully straighten his arms and legs, leaving him unable to walk. The wheelchair-bound Patrick Henry has not let obstacles stand in the way of achieving his goals. Patrick Henry showed extraordinary abilities at a very early age despite his physical challenges.
Patrick Henry is an amazing pianist. By the age of two, the toddler could play songs on the piano after hearing them only once. The gifted young man is not only a university student, but also plays a wide array of musical instruments, is an accomplished singer, and an exuberant trumpet player in the University of Louisville School of Music Marching and Pep Band. The remarkable Patrick Henry has commented in previous interviews he feels he’s “been blessed” and is grateful for his abilities.
His father, Patrick John Hughes, works a night shift so he can accompany his son to university classes during the day, providing visual aid to the eager student as needed. Inspired by his son’s “can do” attitude, Patrick John also guides the wheelchair, keeping pace with the other 220+ marching band members during practice and game formations. So many of Patrick Henry’s accomplishments are made possible with the additional, inexhaustible support of his mother, Patricia, and brothers, Jesse and Cameron.
Patrick Henry has been honored for his triumphs and has been featured on ESPN, Good Morning America, ABC Nightly News, and Sports Illustrated, among many others. He was also the winner of the 2006 Disney Wide World of Sports Spirit Award. Patrick Henry is a true inspiration to both those his age and to adults.
As a result of being in a wheelchair, it is difficult for Patrick Henry to maneuver through the Hughes’ humble home. His wheelchair has done extensive damage to the walls, and the house is now in need of desperate help. With a huge hole in their bank account due to Patrick Henry’s father’s decision to stay at home during the day and care for Patrick’s special needs, repairing the house is the last priority on the Hughes’ agenda. It is now up to Ty and his gang to give this energetic and supportive family the dream home that they always deserved!

Acerca de su libro I am Potential
PATRICK HENRY HUGHES, a twenty-year-old musician and student at the University of Louisville, won Disney’s Wide World of Sports Spirit Award 2006. A nationally known pianist, singer, and trumpeter, he has performed at venues as diverse as the Kennedy Center, the Grand Ole Opry, and the Orange Bowl. He and his father, PATRICK JOHN HUGHES, are a two-person member of the University of Louisville Cardinal Marching Band. They have appeared on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Oprah, Ellen, ESPN, and other media. They live with their family in Louisville, Kentucky.
BRYANT STAMFORD, a professor at Hanover College, is author of a syndicated column in the Louisville Courier-Journal, has served as an editorial advisor for several magazines, and has coauthored four books.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Soy de Entre Rios Argentina, los felicitos por todo lo que hacen por aquellas personas necesitadas de un hogar, cada programa me emociono mas y mas hasta las lagrimas.Me gustaria que algun dia eso que realizan se pueda hacer en mi pais, conosco una familia que esta psando por una necesidad de casa , y seria buenisimo poder hacerles una, ya que la familia no puede y ademas tienen dos chicos con capacidades diferentes,y otro normal , el padre realizan changas, y la madre ademas de atender su familia ayuda a otras, realmente la admiro,
    Bueno espero tener una respuesta y ver que se puede hacer gracias.

  2. Yo me imprsione mucho cuando vi todo lo que el podia hacer y apesar de su discapacidad el sigue luchando para lograr lo que quiere, yo quisiera ser una persona como el una persona tan afortunada de tener una familia que lo quieren, que lo aman, que lo apresia, familia patrikc sigan luchando con su hijo saludos a todos.

  3. hola soy carolina una chica colombiana q les tiene mucha admirasion y ademas de felicitarlos quiero pedir su ayuda soy madre de 4 hijos casada pero en este momento de mi vida atravieso por muchas dificultades les contare brebemente mi esposo esta en la carcel por un herror q cometio desesperado al ver q la casa q hemos tratado de construir dirante años sigue igual lo detuvieron en mexico y estamos apelando una condena de 16 años yo estoy aqui en mexico vine a tratar de sacarlo de este infierno y para eso hipoteque mi casa a pasado un año y mi esposo sigue en esa horrible carcel mis hijos estan en colombia en nuestra casa pero todos comparten un cuarto el pricipal q fue el unico q pudimos terminar estoy a punto de perder mi casa y ago aca en mexico lo q puedo para enviarles dinero si algun dia ven esto mi correo es grasias
